November gardening jobs

  • November gardening jobs for the garden and greenhouse

    November gardening jobs

    Autumn is without a doubt one of our most favourite times of the year. As the weather changes and turns crisp, it’s the perfect excuse to get out for a walk and kick some leaves! And as our gardens welcome the change of the season by shredding its leaves, there is still plenty to be getting on with in order to prepare your garden for the colder winter months, and the spring ahead.

    Out in the garden

    • Although the fallen leaves can look spectacular and make a fun play area for young children, it’s important to not let them sit on your lawn for too long as they will prevent the amount of sunlight from reaching the lawn, so be sure to rake these up on a regular basis. If you want to help your local wild animals, you could make a mound out of your raked leaves and help provide a winter bed for some of your little visitors
    • Plant out your winter bedding plants and add some colour and interest to your garden during the colder days
    • Raise your containers now to prevent possible waterlogging later
    • If it’s mild where you are and your lawn is still growing, trim it back but set your mower blades to a higher setting
    • There is still time to give your lawn its Autumn feed, choose one which is high in potassium and phosphorous as this will help to establish a strong root system and harden your grass ready for the cooler weather
    • Clean out and fill up your bird feeders. This will help encourage winter birds into your garden. You should also ensure your bird baths are clean and topped up
    • Think about moving your plants into your greenhouse or garage to protect them against winter frost


    In your greenhouse

    • In preparation for your Spring growth, give your greenhouse an Autumn clean and disinfect it. It will help get it ready for next year’s growing season
    • Remove any dead or yellowing leaves along with dead flowers
    • Maintain good levels of ventilation in your greenhouse to help with air flow and winter growth
    • Tidy up any pots and containers you have ready for use next year
    • Replace any broken glass and glazing strip ready to get the most out of your greenhouse next year


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